
by troopii


not available

FreeDCam is an OpenSource Camera App Supported API's:Camera 1/ Original Android Camera apiCamera 2 (Alpha State , Video Recording to be added)PlayMemories (Sony ILC WIFI Remote API)LG Real3D
Supported Camera 1 api Extensions.:OMAP :Qualcomm:MediaTek
Real3D for LG P92x (Optimus 3D) ,P72x (Optimus 3DMax), SU760 (Optimus 3D SK),SU870 (3DCube)
* All Devices** Select Devices*** Real Select Devices+ Rear- FrontSupported Manual Modes
** Brightness +-** Contrast + - * Exposure + -** Focus +** Saturation + -** Sharpness + - ** Shutter speed + * Zoom + -Supported Modes** Flash +** Color + -** ISO + -** Metering* White Balance + -* Scenes + -* Focus + * Anti Flicker + -** Scene Detection + -** Noise Reduction + -** Digital Image Stabilization + -** Memory Color Enhancement +-** Zero Shutter Lag (Must be disabled for RAW Capture) + -__________________________________________________________________________________________
Theoretically, FreeDCam is working on any Qualcomm device that has raw/mipi/qcom in picture format list and any MediaTek Device.
Mediatek see G+ Group for raw support request
####### SONY/SAMSUNG USERS ######EVERY SAMSUNG AND SONY DEVICE WITH CAMERA1 IS EXCLUDED FROM RAW CAPTURE!Sorry, but those Manufacturers don't enable or break the rawstream, only for the Xperia L they forgot it!CM/AOSP BASED ROMS ALSO UNSUPPORTED (no guaranties)__________________________________________________________________________________________
####### WIFI Camera API / playmemory ######
Supported Devices
###FAQ:###Q:How can i capture RAW/DNG?A:In PictureFormat select one of DNG, if your devices is unsupported select RAW.
Q:Why is my Device listed as supported but it dont create a Dng file?A:In that case we dont have added the BuildModel. To get it click on Save CamParameters and open the .txt file and send us the First line.
Q:My devices is not listed but i am able to capture raw, can you add DNG support for it?
A:Yes we can! Upload somewhere a raw and the Parameters and send us the link via G+ or XDA
If your Build Model is missing send me an email with that. Then dngconverting will work soon
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